Cleaning Solutions

VisibleDust have a range of cleaning solutions for any type of sensor clean. It is important that you have the specific cleaning solution available for the type of debris you are cleaning from your sensor.


VDust Plus

Removes stains of unknown origins, water and most oil stains. Prevents streaking and Provides a moderate static barrier. Compatible with both DHAP Orange and MXD-100 Green swabs from VisibleDust.

CMOS Clean

Removes saliva, oil and other organic contamination. Quickly evaporates. Residue free. Non-flammable, non-toxic. Compatible with both DHAP Orange and MXD-100 Green swabs from VisibleDust.

Sensor Clean

Removes water based stains and light dust contamination. Excellent dust repellent and anti-fogging capabilities. Non-flammable,non-alcoholic. Compatible with MXD-100 Green swabs ONLY.

Smear Away

Removes stubborn stains such as oil and lubricant. Provides an anti-static barrier to reduce further contamination. Non-flammable and non-alcoholic. Compatible with MXD-100 Green swabs ONLY.

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